MF Beginner's Guide

Guide Introduction #

I first played Miss Fortune in Season 2, and mained her more seriously after her 2016 rework. Miss Fortune plays and itemizes differently from other ADCs, and I hope this guide will help you enjoy Miss Fortune as much as I do. The guide is intended for new players who want learn how to play Miss Fortune better mechanically.

Why Play Miss Fortune? #

Pros #

  • One of the easiest ADC to CS with, because the Love Tap Passive means 1.25x - 1.5x ad damage to minions!
  • Miss Fortune is a teamfighting monster, a well placed Bullet Time can win a game on its own
  • Multiple playstyles due to huge build and rune diversity
  • Strong late game dueling power, able to one shot any squishies in 0.45s with aa q aa
  • Destroys towers very quickly
  • High +95 movement speed due to strut
  • Can build more AD items then other ADCs, while still hitting the 2.5 attack speed cap due to the free attack speed on strut
  • Stronger user of lifesteal because her Passive, Q and W synergizes with lifesteal

Cons #

  • Short 550 auto attack range
  • Base kit very weak into tanks. She must rely on accurate runes and item builds to circumvent this weakness
  • Mana hungry. She cannot spam abilities without some mana regeneration in her build, and building mana means losing damage.
  • No good escapes (dash/stun/root)
  • A large part of her power buidget (Bullet Time) can be circumvented by basic abilities (wind wall)
  • Weak early game dueling power because if she does not have the items to kill in under 4s, her W times out.
Combos & Mechanics
Summoner Spells
Getting S+