
Items #

Maw of Malmortius #

In my opinion, Maw is an essential utility item that provides crucial counterplay against ranged AP burst damage, especially since it may be the sole option available. The scaling of Maw’s shield with bonus AD is noteworthy, and since MF accumulates a significant amount of this stat, it adds to the item’s usefulness.

It’s important to keep in mind that to maximize the value of Maw, a substantial amount of bonus AD is required. Therefore, opting to build Hexdrinker in the early game (even as early as the second item) and postponing the purchase of Maw until the fifth or sixth item is often a more effective strategy.

In the video clip, I would not have survived the incomming AP damage without the magic resistance and shield from Maw.

Wit’s End #

Wit’s End is better thought of as primarily a damage item with some Magic Resistance attached to it. Wits is often competitive or stronger in damage to BOTRK into squishy champions

One problem with buying Wit’s End as the first defensive item against Magic Damage, is that the defensive effect is often completely negated by Magic Penetration items when Miss Fortune completes Wits.

Into champions who do not itemize magic resistance, such as tanks, Wit’s End can be a decent defensive pick which does not sacrifice too much damage. It is decent into magic damage tanks who build Thornmail.

As a second Magic Resistance item after Maw, we will get full value from the Magic Penetration as seen in the computations below.

Miss Fortune Magic Resistance #

ItemMagic ResistanceCumalative
Wit’s End40142.1

Expected Maximum Enemy Mpen with Mpen mythic #

Luden’s Tempest260
Sorcerer’s Shoes180
Zhonya’s Hourglass00
Void Staff040%

Therefore anything under 64 / 0.6 = 106.67 Magic Resistance will get reduced to 0.

Note that enemy Magic penetration can be even higher than this with Morellonomicon, but if the enemy champion drops Hourglass, Void Staff or Deathcap, its a good thing for Miss Fortune.

  • Hourglass is a great counter for Bullet Time
  • Losing Death Cap is generally a bigger damage loss than the +10 mpen from Morellonomicon
  • Void staff’s 40% magic pen is worth much far more than +10 magic pen from Morellonomicon

Mercurial Scimitar & Silvermere Dawn #

As a first magic resistance item, they suffer the same problem as Wit’s End of the magic resistance potentially being completely ineffective defensively.

I do not like the fairly weak stats on these items either. unlike Wit’s End, significant damage is lost buying either of these items. They should be bought primarily as a counter to supression effects (Warwick, Malzahar, Skarner) if we judge that countering the suppression in this way is sufficent to win teamfights.

Often, the correct response is instead to hide in a brush until a teamfight starts, then countering the suppression champions with ultimate.

One champion I am not entirely sure about is Mordekaiser. Usually building dps (PTA, Cut Down, Kraken, LDR, BOTRK, Wit’s End) allows us to kill Mordekaiser in his ultimate, making QSS unnecessary. However if Mordekaiser uses Anathema’s Chains, I dont know if Miss Fortune can still beat Mordekaiser in his ult at full build.

Edge of Night #

If there is an enemy player who can consistently stop our ultimate, this is a fairly good pickup

Guardian Angel #

Conceptually this is just the AD version of Maw, but annoyingly the 5min cooldown is extremely long. Instead of a shield, we get a revive / health recovery effect

Death’s Dance #

Death’s Dance plays the role of a 2nd armor item, pushing our total armor above what can be reduced by lethality. Unfortunately the damage absorption passive is fairly worthless on ranged champions, and the damage lost by building this is much higher than Wit’s End

Youmuu’s Ghostblade #

Youmuu’s Ghostblade is usually the best boots replacement item.

Right now, Phantom Dancer is typically suboptimal on MF in multiple aspects, that is slower kill times (even into tanks), lower average auto attack dps, lower ult damage, lower ult cdr and has less movement speed.

ItemOut of Combat Movement SpeedIn Combat Movement Speed
Youmuu’s Ghostblade4020% (65)
Lethality Mythic @ 6 Items2525
Phantom Dancer7% (23)14% (46)