
Runes #

Press The Attack #

The is hands down the best keystone in an all-in fight, because Miss Fortune Kills faster with PTA than any other keystone, expecially in the early game

  • When using PTA, the main concept is to always aa before q.
  • Even without the PTA rune, aa > q > aa is faster than q > aa > aa… So there is really no reason not to aa first.

Overheal #

This 300 HP shield is worth 2 ruby crystals, or 800g. It also helps you to kill the first enemy champion, and increases MF’s effective HP by 12.5%.

Shields in general are good on MF, because strut’s movement speed bonus is retained as long as the shield does not break.

Compared to Triumph, Overheal helps you kill the first enemy champion while triumph may give you a better chance to kill the 3rd enemy champion and beyond, since it heals at most 7.5% HP per kill.

I prefer Overheal because I think securing the first 2 kills is more important than a better chance of a third kill

Bloodline #

I currently favor Bloodline over Alacrity, and there are several reasons

  • Slot Efficiency: MF is the kind of champion who really wants early game lifesteal. This means that in an alacrity build, MF potentially has in inventory: (Dorans, Cull, Refillable, Scepter, Pickaxe, Noonquiver). This means that we may not have a slot to build Cloak without selling Refillable, and thats at 1 item!
  • With bloodline, I can often keep Dorans Blade until buying the 6th item, which is really getting maximum value out of Dorans. Note that Dorans and Bloodline together is more lifesteal than Scepter or Shieldbow.
  • Build Acceleration: With Bloodline, it is easier to build Kraken Slayer immediately without being forced to buying Scepter early to avoid getting forced out of lane. Kraken 900g earlier is a big deal
  • Into strong poke we can buy scepter anyway and have 14.75% lifesteal, which makes it much easier to survive lane.

Alacrity #

Alacrity is better when the plan is to itemize Bloodthirster or BOTRK 2nd item. This is because too much lifesteal is not a good thing early game. After our HP is topped off, lifesteal loses much of its value

Coup de Grace #

Coup de Grace is better if the enemy champion has under 250 more HP than MF. A Mythic like shieldbow is sufficient to make Cut Down better late game. In general Miss Fortune can one shot squishies even without this rune, but she struggles against tanks and needs all the help she can get.

Cut Down #

Massive 5-15% steroid into any champion with than 10% (250) more HP than Miss Fortune.

Absolute Focus #

Free AD

Gathering Storm #

Massive amount of AD late game, almost worth an entire item

Manaflow Band #

Best rune for more mana, get this over Absolute Focus if mana is a problem

Dark Harvest #

If the entire enemy team is low, then we can proc Dark Harvest 5x for pretty good damage. Dark Harvest is unfortunately bad into tanks, because we cannot take Dark Harvest, Cut Down and Gathering Storm together. If we cant kill the tank, we cant get our Dark Harvest reset either.

Electrocute #

Electrocute is worse than Press the Attack for several reasons

  • The cooldown on Electrocute is much longer (20s vs 6s)
  • A 12% self and allied damage multipler trumps the .4 bonus AD ratio if it takes more than aa > q > aa to kill that champion.
  • The biggest problem is that the minor runes

, because a 12% damage multiplier for 6s trumps a .4 AD ratio. The bigger problem is that the domination minor runes are worse