13.18 Comet Theorycrafting
So i was looking at how 당신의 아이돌 plays MF
- https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/kr/%EB%8B%B9%EC%8B%A0%EC%9D%98+%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%8C
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98yea_fJ0Lo
Note that he runs Comet and PTA (not first strike).
This is in line with my thinking about the current meta, I do not really like the first strike build.
Mana Sustain #
For Comet builds we need some kind of early game mana, because E is a rather expensive spell. He seems to use these strategies:
- Dorans Ring + 2 pots, very old-school build that MF used as far back as season 2/3 ish to spam E
- Tear + 2 pots, he completes manamune 2nd or 3rd item
- Buy : 400g
- Sell: 280g (120g loss)
- Effect: +240 mana
Dorans Ring
- Buy : 400g
- Sell: 160g (240g loss)
- UNIQUE – DRAIN: Restore 1 mana every second, increased to 1.5 for 10 seconds when you damage an enemy champion. If you cannot gain mana, Heal power icon heal for「 45% of this value 」instead.
- Breaks even with Tear mana after ~3-4min
However I am theorycrafting that there is actually a super greedy (and old school) option, the 350g tear + refillable was considered OP and was nerfed by riot, but Fairy Charm can play the same role…:
Fairy Charm + refillable (or 5 pots)
- Buy : 250g
- Sell: 175g (75g loss)
- Effect: +50% base mana regeneration,
- MF has 8 + 0.8/level base mana regen, so fairy charm is worth +4-5 mana/5s early game
- Breaks even with Tear mana after ~4min
Runes #
당신의 아이돌 Takes these runes:
- Comet - Manaflow - Focus - Scorch
- Cheap Shot
- Either Ultimate Hunter or Treasure Hunter
- Double adaptive minor runes
However… I do not believe in the Treasure Hunter rune in this context. Treasure Hunter’s gold can be converted into 12.8 ad, while using eyeball collector instead gives us 18 ad.
I dislike gold generating runes because at full build, gold generating runes have no value since we cannot convert the extra gold into stats. It is therefore better to take stat runes if the two options are equal in value
I do think ultimate hunter is pretty interesting. My computer simulations have difficulty evaluating the value of “utility”. From playtesting, with ultimate hunter and axiom we can spam ult at a very high frequency. This is important because with comet runes our damage with autos is much weaker than with PTA.
Items #
His build seems to be:
- Tear start
- Duskblade, Berzerkers, Manamune, Edge of Night, Axiom, Serylda’s Grudge, Zhonyas (!!)
- He may build Edge of Night first (!) depending on matchup.
After trying to improve this with computer simulations, I came up with this:
- Fairy Charm start (greedier than Tear, works the same for me)
- Duskblade, Boots1, Axiom, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper Item, Edge of Night
- Sell Boots1 for Collector or Zhonyas
- Edge of Night built first into CC
- Prefer LDR into tanks and Mortal into healing, otherwise Serylda’s
The idea is to respect 당신의 아이돌’s playstyle, but improve the build for lower elo games.
- Changed: Rune setup with Treasure hunter changed to Eyeball Collector.
- Copied: Rune setup with Ultimate Hunter
- Changed: Fairy Charm is more mana than Tear if we stay in lane longer than 4-5min. This certainly happens in low elo. Allows greedy refillable start, or more pots for sustain.
- Copied: Duskblade start
- Changed: Manamune changed to Bloodthirster, because computer simulation says Mamamune is weaker and from playtesting I know I do not need mana mid game.
- Copied: Axiom always built before Collector for the utility
- Copied: Edge of Night built first into CC
- Changed: Serylda’s Grudge not built blindly
- Copied: Situational Zhonyas
- Added: Collector if Zhonyas is not needed